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Carolien Ruebens's picture

Where: country AND/OR region: 

  • Hungary
  • Slovenia


2017 to 2019, -

Short project description: : 

Regéc, Streda nad Bodrogom, Veľký Kamenec, Veľká Ida – on the imaginary route between the settlements, running from castle to castles, some legendary figures of our history create a link between memories of the built past and tourists of the present. Regéc, where Ferenc Rákóczi II. grew up, and a central location of the kuruc battles. Streda nad Bodrogom, where Lajos Kossuth started his career. Veľká Ida, where the estate of the historic Csáky family is located. Veľký Kamenec, as the place of many historic events of Zemplén county including major battles.

The row of castle to castles, however, are often in a state of neglect or only partially renovated, and the exhibitions of novel content and form that would be attractive to visitors, as well as the necessary publicity, are missing. In each of the settlements in the border region participating in the partnership problems include loss of population due to migration and the scarcity of local employment opportunities. 

A common challenge and also an opportunity for the settlements is to renew and present these inherited cultural and natural values in a way that they become more attractive as part of a border-region circuit tour for tourism: by attracting visitors to a “fortress and castle” tour of several days, this can contribute to increasing the number of visitors, and thereby strengthen the economic potential. 

The direct aim of the project is the reconstruction of cultural heritage sites on the settlements concerned: the authentic reconstruction of the palace wing of the fortress of Regéc, the development of the castle in Streda nad Bodrogom and Veľká Ida, creating interactive exhibition and leisure spaces, as well as the development of the infrastructure for bicycle tourism in the region. 

The development also contributes to the keeping of the local communities, strengthening their self-consciousness, finding out more about the border regions, as well as strengthening natural and cultural tourism.

As a result of the project, the Renaissance palace wing in Regéc will be restored, an interactive exhibition installed, an educational path leading to the fortress and a parking lot will be built, a historical and recreational park and an exhibition house established, and bicycle racks installed. In Streda nad Bodrogom, the castle and the small adjacent building will be renovated, and a new exhibition installed. In Veľká Ida, the fence of the castle will be rebuilt and 3 exhibition rooms installed. In Streda nad Bodrogom and Veľký Kamenec, 4 rest stops will be built with bicycle racks, and information tables installed with the involvement of Malý Kamenec.

As a direct result of the project, 5124,3 m2 of buildings will be renovated, and 10 development documents related to the project elaborated. As an additional positive effect, the development will result in the maintenance of 1 job, and it will create also 1 new job. 3 women will participate in the management of the project, 1 new subpage will be created, and there will be 4 cross-border thematic articles/media appearances.

As a result of the physical development and marketing, there will be a significant increase, estimated at 6004 persons, in the visitors to the castle of Regéc and the castles in the project (The number of visitors to the supported areas, cultural and natural heritage sites).

As an indirect effect, the number of guest nights in the region will increase, contributing to the achievement of the target indicator set in the Programme, increasing the total number of visitors to the region. Another indirect effect, the settlements and the region will become better known, which may generate further projects and attract investors to the region. As a result of the economic growth, the economic stability of the settlements and their ability to keep their population will increase.

Total project size: amount (€): 

2 733 242.21€