La Dolce Vita in Reggio Emilia

24 Apr, 2017
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Photo credits: Robert Stussi Last week, ECF Urban Mobility Policy Officer Benedicte Swennen was invited to Reggio Emilia (170.000 inhabitants, North Italy), one of the Italian members of the Cities for Cyclists Network. The visit took place in the framework of the EU project Resolve where 8 EU Cities and Regions exchange and support each other to reduce CO2 created by retail and shopping related traffic.

Benedicte was part of a team of 5 international experts in mobility (Giuliano Mingardo, University of Rotterdam, Alberto Marescotti from the City of Padova (IT), Vlasta Krmelj from the Energap Slovenia, Robert Stussi consultant for the city of Almada (PT). Reggio Emilia wanted their advice on their new Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and on the enlargement of the pedestrian zone of the city centre.

After receiving detailed information from the transport team of the city and a site visit, the experts presented their advice to the team and the vice-mayors for mobility, Mr. Mirko Tutino, vice-mayor for security and the historic centre, Mrs. Natalia Maramotti and vice-mayor of international relations Mrs. Serena Foracchia.

The team of experts praised Reggio Emilia for having a very coherent transport plan, for being a champion cycling city and for their progress in sustainable mobility in the past ten years. The most important measures, foreseen in their previous Urban Mobility Plan (2008-2015), are the implementation of a very large 30km/h zone in the whole city, urban rehabilitation and creation of pedestrian areas that are much appreciated by local shopkeepers, and last but not least a good cycling strategy. As for the cycling measures, Reggio Emilia took both soft and hard measures to stimulate cycling: most famous are their campaigns with schools and immigrants, thanks to a good collaboration with ECF local member FIAB. And the cycling network is not limited to the inner centre but there is also comfortable bicycle infrastructure in the suburbs.

The result? An impressive change in the modal split! Car use decreased from 68% to 58%, while the cycling share grew from 16% to 23%.

The main points for improvement in Reggio Emilia, according to the team of experts, are to make the city’s parking policies less complicated and increase their enforcement. A good mix of transport options, including public transport and new car or ridesharing possibilities should not be forgotten. And especially the idea to introduce cyclelogistics to the city is appealing to the vice-mayors and seen as an excellent way to keep up good relations with shopkeepers.

Many more beautiful projects will surely see the light in the liveable, beautiful and vibrant town of Reggio Emilia: the vice-mayors expressed the idea to bring more cycling tourism to the region and the local cyclists’ organisation FIAB is preparing the way for an interactive meeting place that combines cycling information, start-ups, and history. All parties are working together to put Reggio Emilia at the top of Italian cycling cities and ECF will keep supporting them! 


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