All major Portuguese Bicycle Stakeholders Gathered under One Organisation

11 May, 2016
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“More bicycles, better cities, healthier society and economy!” That is the motto of the newly launched Portuguese Bicycle Commitment, an organisation created by the Plataforma Tecnológica da Bicicleta of the University of Aveiro that involves the national bicycle manufacturing industry, the Academia, key municipalities, public and private sector, and cyclists’ advocacy groups.

After becoming part of the EuroVelo network, Portugal is now on top of cycling news again, for the Portuguese Bicycle Commitment has been launched. With the knowledge and researches generated by the University of Aveiro in various fields focused on bicycle mobility, territory and people, the Bicycle Commitment aims to be the link between different stakeholders, a pedal powered motor for new public and private partnerships, striving for a bicycle friendly territory and economy.

The main aim of this network is to create a collaborative dynamic between participants, bicycle advocacy groups, public administration and institutions related to mobility, road safety, cities, environment, health and sports, university and research centres, as well as local and national media. The joint work will help place bicycle mobility on the public agenda in its multiple dimensions, to align the efforts of various partners and to take advantage of existing skills and expertise available in Portugal. The change in the perception of cycling in Portugal is also witnessed by the words spoken by José Mendes, Secretary of State of Environment: “The Commitment to Cycling initiative presented and signed by more than 100 organizations is a small but important step for a new decarbonized mobility in Portugal”.

The programme

Seeking collaboration with industry, university, businesses and civic movements, the Portuguese Bicycle Commitment wants to achieve the following goals:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy dependence on fossil fuels;
  • Increase cycling modal share by 10% (nationally, currently bicycle commutes represents 0.5% of total work / school travel options);
  • Reduce the number of trips by car by 10% (currently these constitute 60% of all commuting to work / school, Census 2011), especially in the short distance and duration;
  • Encourage the purchase of bicycles, and stimulate national industrial production in this sector;
  • Reduce road accidents;
  • Encourage healthy lifestyles, and fight obesity;
  • Qualify and humanize the public space of cities and towns.


Designed in collaboration with the leading institutions and organizations related to bicycle mobility in Portugal, the initiative gathers ABIMOTA bicycle industry research and testing laboratory, the Portuguese Cycling Federation (FPC), the Portuguese Federation of Cycletourism and Bicycle Users (FPCUB) and the Association for Urban Bicycle Mobility (MUBI).


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Niccolò Panozzo's picture
Director - Communications

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