Pro E-bike quiet times? No, not really.

01 Feb, 2016
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You haven't heard much about the Pro-E-bike project for a while because it's business as usual. No we don't mean because it's winter time that the bikes aren't doing deliveries in cities across Europe. In fact it's just the opposite. The popularity of E-bikes is continuing to spread among  citizens but also businesses and city officials across Europe.

Did you know that in Sweden city agencies and employees are using bikes and E-bikes as much as they can even in the winter time? Last winter there was only a month or two when the employees who use the E-bikes to deliver city services had to use alternative transport like cars which they don't use most of the year.

Can you imagine that in the Netherlands there are Dutch people who are surprised at what E-bikes can deliver. You might think that the Dutch, being cycle minded and the cycling nation par excellence, would find it the most normal thing in the world that cargo bikes are delivering their post, food and meals, but also larger things like building equipment. But the entrepreneurs ECF is in contact with are reporting that they're constantly being given positive regard and comments and encouragement for using E-cargo bikes to do their job.

In Croatia the country is getting used to seeing 180 postman delivering the post every day on the modern brand-new KRPAN E-bikes that were put into service last fall. These bikes replaced the same number of diesel powered scooters it made a lot more noise and a lot more pollution. The citizens can be very happy to know that the bikes were largely funded with monies collected from companies which were not as environmentally friendly. So they need not assume that these modern technologies are going to mean the price of their postal services will be increasing as a result.

Portugal is also enjoying the use of the very large and growing fleet of E-bikes  that their Postal Service has been expanding over the last few years. Their CEO is rightly proud of the contribution that the bikes are making to the Portuguese Post's reputation. "We are in the top five environmentally friendly postal services in the world " he told ECF recently.


For more information please visit:

Report: Recommendations on cyclelogistics for cities



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Randy Rzewnicki PhD's picture
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