Velo-city 2015 Opening Plenary: the Potential of Cycling

03 Jun, 2015
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Opening plenary MEP Michael Cramer addressing the audience at VC15 Opening Plenary


Velo-city 2015 Nantes is a major event leading up to the COP 21, to be held in Paris in December. Nantes, European Green Capital 2013, has gained recognition for its ongoing commitment to sustainable development and in particular its pro-cycling policy. The Opening Plenary of the 5th annual Velo-city conference welcomed over 1200 delegates from all over the world who were addressed by several renowned, high profile speakers, all eager to highlight the importance and future potential of cycling. 

Alain Vidalies, the French Secretary of State for Transport, Sea and Fisheries, took the floor to affirm the French government's commitment to cycling. "With a modal share of only 3%, cycling does not have the priority it deserves", he said.  "This is the reason why, in March 2014, the Government adopted the French National Action Plan for “Active Transport Modes” with the aim to foster soft mobility for everyday commuting. Velo-city Nantes provides an incentive for our regions to pursue and strengthen the policies conducted in favour of cycling and to develop our remarkable tourism potential. The State has given its full support to Velo-city", he continued.

European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport Violeta Bulc, who joined the Opening Plenary via video, was also keen to highlight the potential of cycling. “We are still underestimating the potential of cycling on growth, innovation and competitiveness”, she said. She also personally thanked the European Cyclists' Federation for the dedicated work on promoting cycling around the European Union.

Michael Cramer, Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism in the European Parliament, also said that cycling is a real future-maker. Currently 90% of all trips in cities are less than 6km long. This creates huge potential for cycling. For example, 50% of logistics trips in cities could be done by cargobikes, he said.

Manfred Neun, President of the  European Cyclists’ Federation, said that no one will leave the Velo-city 2015 without being inspired on the future. If it's to be, it's up to me, he reminded the audience.

The second day of Velo-city 2015 is will end with a big bike parade through the city and the organizers are expecting more than 5000 people to take part in the parade.


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