E-bikes Vs Motor vehicles: New tool calculates the economic benefits for businesses

26 Feb, 2015
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Van Raam GoCab for childcare centre Van Raam GoCab for childcare centre

You may know intuitively that buying and using an e-bike for your business is going to save money compared to buying a car, van, light truck, etc. You are right - and very soon you can prove it too!

ECF found people with professional responsibility for vehicle purchasing -fleet managers, transport or logistics managers- to test a new tool which does an in depth cost benefit comparison between e-bikes & conventional motor vehicles. They tested the user-friendliness, utility, advantages and suggested improvements. The Pro-E-Bike partners at OCCAM in Portugal are making final tweaks and will relase it very soon.

UDATE: 05  March 2015

Thanks very much for your interest in testing the Pro-E-bike SIM tool. We’ve had a great response and have enough testers.

The Pro-E-bike SIM tool will be available to the public in early April. Check back then!

This tool shows you how much you save. It allows you to look at total costs, just starting with purchase price, including fixed and variable running costs, like insurance, maintenance & fuel. It is developed for the European project PRO-E-BIKE by a highly reputed agency over a long period of time and it works off-line, so the data used as input is and remains proprietary (i.e. yours and yours alone).

PRO-E-BIKE: Promoting electric bike mobility

PRO-E-BIKE project promotes clean and energy efficient vehicles, electric bicycles and electric scooters (common name “E – bikes”), for delivery of goods and passenger transport among private and public bodies such as delivery companies, public administration and citizens in European urban areas, as an alternative to “conventionally fossil fuelled” vehicles. 

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