Dublin Cycling Campaign calls for co-ordinated plan to combat soaring bike theft

10 Nov, 2014
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dublin cycling campaignResearch by ECF member, the Dublin Cycling Campaign, finds that bicycle theft has doubled in Ireland since 2009. Almost 4,500 bicycle thefts were reported in Dublin in 2013, but the actual number of bike thefts is likely to be in the region of 20,000 in 2013 according to Irish household surveys and international experience. The chances of a bike thief being caught are low, with a conviction rate of only 2% for reported thefts. “Bike theft is a low-risk, high-reward crime. If cars were being stolen at this rate there would be uproar.” Says Keith Byrne, Chairperson of the Dublin Cycling Campaign.

Fear of bicycle theft may discourage bicycle use and many bicycle theft victims do not buy a replacement“Many people give up on cycling after their expensive bicycle is stolen and it discourages others from taking up cycling as the word about the high risk of theft spreads. We need a co-ordinated multi-agency plan to tackle bicycle theft if we are to reach the Government target of 10% of journeys by bicycle by 2020” says Keith Byrne.

The Dublin Cycling Campaign has been investigating the issue and researching how the problem has been tackled in other countries, in particular The Netherlands. David Timoney, the campaign researcher, says “We need a multi-pronged approach: a massive increase in secure bicycle parking throughout the city, more action by the Gardai to detect and deter bicycle theft, a tighter code of practice for buyers and sellers of second hand bikes on line and more responsibility taken by cyclists in buying better locks, not buying second hand stolen bikes and always reporting stolen bikes to the Gardai”. The campaign has drawn up a code of practice for online sellers, buyers and bicycle shops.

“Most important, however is the establishment of a state co-ordinating body to oversee the work of the various stakeholders (bike groups, Gardai, websites, shops, council, planners etc). International experience has shown that without this political commitment little can be achieved” says David Timoney.

The cycling campaign is calling on the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport to set up the co-ordinating body to tackle bike theft.


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