MOVE Week in Cyprus: Keep calm and go cycling everyone!

08 Oct, 2014
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cycling club cyprus
ECF member, the Cycling Club of Idalion (Δημοτικός Όμιλος Ποδηλάτου Ιδαλίου), participated in MOVE Week 2014 with amazing enthusiasm and a great response: 1,260 people showed up!

An active promoter of cycling and sustainable mobility, the Cycling Club of Idalion organised its 11th annual cycling day as part of this year’s MOVE Week. Thanks to the support of the MOVE Week campaign, they were able to organise and run this very successful event without spending a cent!

mayor of cypurs cycling club Mayor of Idalion, Mr.Leontios Kalenos leads the cycling tour through the city.

The team of 20 volunteers brought their zest and love for their favourite pastime, cycling, to the campaign and organised a cycling tour, an old bicycles exhibition, road safety workshops and many more community-wide activities. 

Besides the volunteers who did the hard work, many people contributed to the amazing success of this year’s MOVE Week in Cyprus; from children playing music, people bringing bikes and other equipment for the exhibition, dance studies, the martial arts academy and many more, not to forget everyone who came to the event.

The support from local authorities was strong as well; the mayor and local councillors all came to join the cycling tour. Finally, without the help and support of the President of the Cycling Club of Idalion, Mr. Andreas Papas, it would not have been possible.

The strong level of support from all areas led MOVE Week in Cyprus to be a huge success, well done to the Cycling Club of Idalion!

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