E-book: Cyclists & Cycling Around the World

27 Oct, 2014
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Cyclists & Cycling Around the World is an inspiring literary contribution to the development of cycle-friendly cities throughout the whole world.  This book is the result of international collaboration between the three editors Mike Hughes, Lotte Bech and Juan Carlos Dextre and 25 cycle experts from around the world. They have written articles about their best experiences in developing a cycle culture, cycle planning and the promotion of cycling. Cyclists & Cycling Around the World can be a source of inspiration for cities and cycle advocacy groups looking to develop their cycle culture. The book contains articles on city planning and the benefits of cycling and also on the enormous work carried out by cycling organisations around the world promoting cycling and training children.  

"The overall message is that cities which are good for cyclists are also good for urban life and for reducing congestion so, cycle planning is not an end in itself, but a means to create a better city to live in."

- Søren Bom (Chief Consultant at City of Copenhagen

"It is at once pragmatic and interesting, and never risks losing the attention of the reader."

– Peter A. Thomas (New York Bicycling Coalition


Read this book and get inspired to develop cycling and a high quality of life in your own city. As part of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) network we offer you a €5 reduction on the e-book from the Danish distributor, Gopubli.sh. The price to you is 160 Danish Kroner, about € 21.45 .  The offer is valid until February 1st, 2015.

Click here to get your copy today!






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