Eurobike 2014: ECF chairs panel on the cargo bikes industry

29 Aug, 2014
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 bosch bike

Leading bike company Bosch had this mock-up cargo bike on display at EUROBIKE

ECF’s Director of Development, Kevin Mayne, chaired a dynamic panel discussion on the last day of Eurobike 2014 on the future of the cargo bikes industry. The panel, which debated the topic, “A growing market for the bike industry? Cargo Bikes for commercial transport – potential and challenges”, was organized by the EUROBIKE Academy, the European project CycleLogistics Ahead and the Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD). 

“The potential is enormous. Every second motorized trip in cities could be replaced by bikes or cargo bikes”, said Karl Reiter, co-ordinator of EU project CycleLogistics Ahead. CycleLogistics Ahead focuses on commercial cycle-delivery and it is the successor of the Cyclelogistics project, which ECF was involved in as a partner in promotion and dissemination. Besides renewing its support for innovation by promoting  CycleLogistics Ahead, ECF is a also key partner in the Pro-E-Bike project which aims for a shift in fossil-fuel based urban logistics towards e-bikes. 

Cargo bikes have traditionally been extensively used in postal services and factories, but other sectors are increasingly viewing them as an efficient urban transport alternative. Many influential business leaders came together in this setting to discuss how the industry can maximize the potential of this industry. DHL also presented on their company’s experience with cargo bikes and their growing popularity across industries. 

“I have come to Eurobike as part of my search for the perfect cargo bike!” said Richard Armitage, Director of the newly-established European Cycle Logistics Federation (ECLF). Armitage outlined his vision in his EUROBIKE Academy presentation: “Our members need a cargo bike that is strong, but lightweight, easy to maintain, with mainly standard parts and few special components; safe and secure, with a parking brake and immobilizer, so the rider can quickly lock and leave when delivering or collecting parcels; with an electric assistance option”. 

Talking with ECF afterwards, he said: “There are only a handful of cargo bikes at Eurobike this year, so it is obvious we are at an early stage in the product development cycle.” 

ECLF’s next task is to set up a Technical Group to work with operators, like builders and designers on the many technical improvements that are required to grow the market.

ECF also continues to support new innovation by playing a leading role in Pro-E-Bike, 

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