ECF welcomes seven new staff members!

07 Jul, 2014
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welcome to new staff

ECF has been busy as ever and is delighted to introduce fresh reinforcements to its valiant team.

Acacia, Ben, Benedicte, Brendan, Holger, Izabela and Laetitia look forward to making the world a better place by getting "more people cycling, more often"!

Izabela Zapolnik, who is from Poland, is our new Office Assistant. Her role is to keep the office running smoothly and make sure everyone is happy and working away!

Holger Haubold, who is from Germany, is one of five Policy Officers and he looks at Fiscal and Economic issues. If you're interested in fiscal incentives for cycling, Holger is your man!

Benedicte Swennen, is Belgian (one of four in the office) and started working in May 2014 is also a Policy Officer for Urban Mobility and Cities. Her work focuses on the centre of gravity for cycling policy: our cities.

Laetitia Lemmens is also Belgian and started working in May 2014 as a Project Manager. She implements activities on EU-funded projects and also looks at procedures of project management in-house, making our workplace more effective!

Benjamin McEldowney, who is from Ireland, was actually an intern here at ECF before taking up his current role as EuroVelo Project Assistant. The EuroVelo network needs no introduction and Ben is part of that project!

Acacia Smith, all the way from New Zealand, is our newest team member. She is an intern with the Communications team with a focus on supporting ECF networks, sponsors and partners.

Brendan Culley, an Irishman from Brussels, is also an intern with the Communications team. His three favorite words are communications, policy and advocacy.

On behalf of all the new additions to ECF, we  are excited to be part of this inspiring organisation and will do everything we can to keep promoting cycling for all! 

You can find out more about the team and their contact details at the About us page of our website.

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Contact Us

Avenue des Arts, 7-8
Postal address: Rue de la Charité, 22 
1210 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 329 03 80