Spain sold 1 million bikes in 2013

13 Jun, 2014
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A few years ago, for the first time, Spain sold more bicycles than cars, joining in with the rest of Europe where this trend has already been consolidated. And now a study by AMBE, the Spanish Brands and Bicycles Association, shows that in 2013 more than 1 million bicycles were sold on the Spanish market.

spanish bikes

With a production of over 374.000 bicycles per year providing jobs for around 14.000 people, the sector has escaped the crisis. The average price of a bicycle in Spain is 290€, higher than countries such Italy or France but below Netherlands and Germany. The year average bicycle price growth was 8% in 2013. Bicycles sales represent a 60% of the revenues in a sector in which total revenues including retailer market comes to over 1 billion euro. You can consult the facts and figures (In Spanish, bottom of this page)

"It is the first time that we have a complete study of the sector and we have a compromise of offering this information every year. During last 6 years,growth in this sector has been ranging between 6 and 10%. This has had an important impact on the Spanish economy", said Carlos Núñez from AMBE.

A special mention to electric bicycles (pedelecs). More than 10.000 units were sold in Spain in 2013. For first time, the Spanish government subsidised the purchase of electric bicycles in the framework of the Plan PIMA Aire (in order to improve air quality). In the inclusion of the electric bicycles in this plan, was the fruit of AMBE's efforts, who believes in the potential of this market.

In terms of components and accessories, growth was at 11,5% with the biggest growth in tools (18%) and fitness material (13%). Mountain bikes are still the most sold bicycles in Spain (61%) but the growth of the use of the bicycle as a mean of transport has a clear reflection in the number of city bikes sold (+5%) last year.

Investing in cycling pays off and a national cycling plan is key to the development of cycling in this country as a means of transportation, leisure and sport that creates jobs and have a positive impact in terms of health, independence, economy and quality of life.

About the Author

Jesus_bwJesús Freire is Policy Assistant at the European Cyclists Federation, Brussels. He started to work on cycling advocacy as part of A Contramano (Seville Cyclists Assembly). Now working on EuroVelo, the European cycle route network. You can follow him on twitter in Spanish @SevillaEnBici and in English @yessfreire "More bicycles, better public spaces"




Facts and figures



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