The rise and rise of the 'bike to shop' – our interview with an innovator

16 May, 2014
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Yepp Cargo

Cargo bikes aren't just here to look cool - they're an integral part of our big rethink on mobility. We've interviewed a company CEO who is just about to launch a modern bike basket that'll be the ideal companion for doing your groceries, going to classes, commuting to work.

Michel Krechting, 61, is the CEO of GMG, a bike accessory company based in the Netherlands which was established over 80 years ago. Its trade has always specialized in the production of child seats. The company has sold over 5 million of them since 1930 and it is well accustomed to innovation and success - it is a market leader for child seats in the Netherlands and Denmark and has won many design awards.

 When Michel Krechting acquired the company in 2007, he guided it through a complete and successful turnaround and GMG is now remaking its name as an industry innovator through its YEPP range. Krechting has had a career in industrial design and product development, was managing director at several companies, and even won the ‘Best Company Acquisition Award’ in The Netherlands in 2009. The company he leads is truly “lean and mean” with maximum flexibility to foster high speed innovation. Nowadays, only 6 people are at the centre of the organization whilst production, assembly and logistics are fully outsourced.

 So what have bike seats got to do with our bike to shop campaign? Well, Michel got in touch with us to present a new range of accessories that his company is launching. And it’s here to cater for cyclists’ cargo needs. As you may have read before, the CycleLogistics baseline study found that getting people on their bike for their shopping has the potential to be a major source for increased bike use (and decreased car use!) all around Europe. An astonishing two thirds of the potential shift from car to bicycle use is down to changes in shopping behaviour – which is why industry is starting to look at how you can carry your groceries home safely and effectively. Gone are the days when you had to hang your shopping bags on your handlebars! Private logistics solutions, as the industry folks like to call it, are an integral part of the success of our bike to shop campaign. For us, the Yepp Cargo bike basket is a new and meaningful innovation in this untapped market. Here’s what Michel Krechting had to say about it.


ECF: You have been producing child seats for a while now, how come you decided to launch a complete new range of products?

Michel Krechting: Child seats have been our core business since the early 30’s. As an innovative company we think of out-of-the-box solutions and have analyzed the increasing problem of parking bikes with crates and baskets at many locations: at schools, shopping centers, sheds and garages at home, etc. The Yepp Cargo is the most practical lightweight solution with a life-style touch. In addition the Yepp Cargo range focuses on a totally different group of consumers and is a more global product.

 You mean that the cycle logistic habits are global?

Based on the initial orders and order forecasts we definitely expect a highly successful introduction and use in many other countries like Denmark, USA, Canada, Germany. As the Yepp Cargo can also be used on rear carriers, it will be used in those countries where shopping baskets are mounted that way and with the same advantages.

 And what kind of people use will use these baskets?

Thanks to the dimensions and the folding principle, Yepp Cargo can be used on a daily basis by scholars and students but is also targeted for shoppers.

Yepp cargo will be available from the end of May onwards.

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What trends do you see in the bike cargo fields?

That is an interesting question as our Cargo is completely new in its function and presence! The trend we see is the start of folding baskets! Of course we also expect the continued use of fashionable prints, different materials, etc. Baskets and Yepp Cargo type of products are here to stay and we expect to see more competitors to follow quickly.



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