Europe will MOVE again! MOVE Week 2014 announced after the great success

15 Oct, 2013
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MOVE Week 2013 was a significant step into the vision of NowWeMove to make 100 million Europeans more physically active by 2020.  Throughout the week, 550 MOVE Agents ensured that 1,257 MOVE Week events in 510 European cities across 33 counties brought fun and physical activity opportunities to their communities. 

It started with the flash mob  on 29 September, where 34 cities danced the same MOVEs uniting Europe for the cause for more physical activity. Then MOVE Week kicked off one week later. The success of these events bought an estimated 250,000 people to join in their local MOVE Week activities. The events were lit up in orange by 300,000 bracelets, 250,000 stickers, 5,000 MOVE Week t-shirts and 3,500 banners. To get a glimpse of this spectacle click here 

Four countries did particularly well and each delivered over 100 events during the week: Bulgaria, France, Italy and Poland.
The week showed an incredible diversity of activity with some events contributing to changing their society’s perception of groups, such as the wheelchair basketball tournament in Albania  and  some contributing to changing habits in the workplace by introducing just a minute of exercise into the average day or switching off the elevators for a day . Others promoted cycling and walking as sustainable and cheap forms of transport  and, of course, some just made sure their local kids had great fun while getting active.
For one whole week we saw what active communities look like. Communities came together; people had fun and potentially found new passions and MOVEs. MOVE Week 2013 was a significant and positive step towards achieving the NowWeMove vision of 100 million Europeans to be active by 2020. 

PROUDLY ANNOUNCING! MOVE Week 2014: 29 September to 5 October 2014. Will you be there?

MOVE Week is here to stay!
ISCA and the NowWeMove partners are excited to announce the dates for MOVE Week 2014!  From 29 September to 5 October 2014, MOVE Week will once again unite Europe to celebrate and promote sport and physical activity. 
Over the coming weeks and months we will share more information on how you can get involved. We look forward to supporting you to help your community and make sure that MOVE Week 2014 builds on this year’s fantastic achievements!

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