A Mega Breakfast of Champions - Hungarian Cycle to Work Campaign

17 Oct, 2013
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Credit: Hungarian Cyclists' Club Credit: Hungarian Cyclists' Club

The Hungarian Cyclists’ Club has organized one of their most remarkable events: the Breakfast for Cyclists, part of their Cycle to Work campaign. The Club – thanks to its sponsors – offered a delicious breakfast to those who commuted to work by bicycle at 28 different locations across the country.

The Cycle to Work campaign has been organized twice a year since 2007 with amazing results. This past spring, 8000 participants from 2000 workplaces cycled a total of 1.6 million kilometers!  


This autumn the campaign is taking place between September 23 and October 25, with the goal of persuading as many people as possible to shift towards cycling to work and school, as well as encouraging employers to support cycling.

The campaign also encourages the participation of students to commute to school by bicycle and form the habit of cycling early on.  In the first 10 days of the autumn campaign, 6000 participants were registered online with 1600 first-time participants. And all this cycling is not just for the free breakfast! Individuals who register more than 8 rides are eligible to win prizes –group efforts are also recognized with schools and workplaces eligible to win as well.

For more information about the Hungarian Cyclists’ Club (in Hungarian): http://kerekparosklub.hu/.

About the Author:

ZK_bw Zoé Kruchten is a Communications Assistant at the European Cyclists’ Federation. She has a BA in International Relations and loves fixing bicycles. 

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