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© Bernardo Campos Pereira While neighbouring Spain reduces its bicycle safety discussion to helmet use and increases the speed limit to 130km/h on motorways,...

06 Nov, 2013

Colibi (Association of the European Bicycle Industry) & Coliped (Association of the European Two-Wheeler Parts’ and Accessories’ Industry) have released th...

31 Oct, 2013

Credit: Las Palmas en Bici   This article is also available in English here.  El pasado 4 de Octubre, el Consejo de Ministros aprobó una serie de modificacion...

29 Oct, 2013

Credit: Las Palmas en Bici   Text in Spanish: 20 children are run over per year. Would you feel safer if your child wore a helmet? The danger for children are...

29 Oct, 2013

Cross Sector Policies and Partnerships in Physical Activity Promotion delivered tangible results in MOVE Congress 2013. Secretary General of ECF took part in t...

25 Oct, 2013

Cyclists in India: Solving traffic problems every day (photo © flickr/cyclingisgoodforyou) Despite being a country with a high share of cycling, India strugg...

24 Oct, 2013

Good cycling habits in countries seems to have a relation with better ranks in the UN World Happiness Report. Photo by John Mueller - Flickr. The “World Happ...

23 Oct, 2013

  Who: 26 multi-sector social groups producing one big event "Move Against Cancer" When: Sunday 13 October 2013  Location: Thessaloniki Greece, White Tower...

18 Oct, 2013

Credit: CycleLogistics Baseline Study, 2013   The CycleLogistics baseline study is out and the conclusions are impressive. Analyzing the potential to shift t...

17 Oct, 2013

  Credit: Hungarian Cyclists' Club The Hungarian Cyclists’ Club has organized one of their most remarkable events: the Breakfast for Cyclists, part of their...

17 Oct, 2013

    MOVE Week 2013 was a significant step into the vision of NowWeMove to make 100 million Europeans more physically active by 2020.  Throughout the week, 550 M...

15 Oct, 2013

Credit: Latvian Union of Cyclists   Time to count the cyclists! In an effort to highlight the modal share of cyclists in Riga, the Latvian Union of Cyclists...

15 Oct, 2013
