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Cycling isn’t as risky as commonly thought, with just one death every 32 million kilometres – that’s over 800 times around the world. Source.

19 Jan, 2016

By the begining of 2012, they were 400 bike sharing schemes globally. Velib’, the Parisian bike sharing scheme, launched in 2007, now has 20 000 bicycles and 18...

19 Jan, 2016

25% of all urban goods could be delivered by bicycle. This figure rises to 50% when we are refering to light goods. Source.

19 Jan, 2016

            Source: European Bicycle Market 2010 Edition, COLIBI-COLIPED

19 Jan, 2016

Cycling is good for the rural economy. A visiting cyclist spends an average of £25/day on locally provided food and services, compared to car-borne visitor’s £7...

19 Jan, 2016

When the complete life cycle of the following modes are taken into account, the carbon emissions are approximately: Bicycle: 21 g CO2/passenger/km travele...

19 Jan, 2016

The health benefits of cycling outweigh the safety risks by a factor of 20 to one. Source. Cyclists on average live two years longer than non-cyclists and...

19 Jan, 2016

According to the Special Eurobarometer 422a (2014), convenience (49%) and speed (27%) are the first reasons why Europeans chose to cycle but cyclists...

19 Jan, 2016

  Source Source Source

19 Jan, 2016

By integrating cycling into a daily commute, one can increase the catchment area of public transport hubs. By adding a 10 minute cycle for instance, one can inc...

19 Jan, 2016

The Special Eurobarometer 422a (2014) asked Europeans what they consider to be the most serious problems affecting the roads and the priorities to imp...

19 Jan, 2016

Transport Commitments made at the UN Secretary General's Climate Summit and emerging initiatives oer opportunity for Transformative Change of the transport sec...

19 Jan, 2016
