Velomobiles in Brussels

25 Jul, 2013
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In 2012 the European Commission started a three year campaign for Sustainable Urban Mobility, to battle the alarming level of congestion of cars in cities and towns across Europe. Velomobiles presents one of the emphasized actions in the campaign. Velomobiles are human powered vehicles that offer a fast and comfortable cycling for all kinds of weather conditions.


Today, on a sparkling sunny Grand Place, in Brussels, representatives from ECF and the European Commission were present to wave off a group of 30 Velomobile riders.  Coming  from nine different countries they are riding through five EU countries as they demonstrate this unique and exciting mean of transportation. The group started in Leer, in Germany and will be going through Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Germany before they return to Leer in about two weeks. ECF Secretary General Bernhard Ensink and Sven Damman from the European Commission welcomed the cyclists to Brussels.

"I would like to assure you that we work hard for all our members and to work for the right infrastructure for cyclists, we need good infrastructure for cyclists."


 "I would like to offer you all a EuroVelo map, so you can cycle across Europe where the best infrastructure for cycling is found", said Bernhard Ensink and thanked the team for coming to Brussels.  He further continued, "Thank you all for coming to Brussels and showing the world what we can do with the Velomobiles".

Sven Damman also gave the touring cyclists his warmest welcome to Brussels and said "We are very happy to see you here and really congratulate you on your sporty endeavors and also for showing that cycling is great way to not just cover short distances but also long distances".  He further encouraged the cyclists to get involved in their local cycling policies and talk to people about cycling. Mr. Damman also highlighted the use of the cycling lexicon when travelling across countries and referred to the chapter on what the European Union does for the development of cycling and infrastructure.



The welcome committee wished the cyclists a safe and pleasant journey waved them off as they made their way out of Grand Place maneuvering through the crowds of curious onlookers and tourists. 



About the Author

AnntteAnette Christiansen works as communications Assistant at the European Cyclists’ Federation, and rides around Brussels on her old second-hand classic dutch bike.

She holds a Masters-degree in European Tourism Management (EMTM) and is specialized in Cycling Tourism.


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