Velo-city in Snapshots

03 Jul, 2012
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Last week, the ECF crew rolled on over to Vancouver and snapped countless pictures of the Velo-city conference, the attendees, bikes and the city itself. Conclusions? We’ve got to hand it to you, Vancouver: you’re one photogenic city!





Velo-city kicked off on Tuedsay June 26th in lovely Vancouver, British Columbia; and by the looks of it, the sight of all those bikes can make you see the world through rose colored glasses. 








Day 2 of Velo-city brought together  many people from all over the world to discuss all things cycling-related. Just goes to show that you're never too young to get informed about the benefits of cycling! 







Of course, no cycling conference is complete without a discussion on public transportation. Velo-city participants found themselves zigging in and around the city on bikes and buses! 








 Think a little rain's going to slow us down? Velo-city participants threw on some rain gear or grabbed an umbrella, and took over downtown Vancouver during the Bike Parade. 




Want to see more bikes, conference shots, or just more of what went on in Vancouver last week? Check out our flickr page at:

 Like what you see? Peruse our photos and make sure to add us to your group! 

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