Velo-city Global Speaker Series: Niels Hoé

26 Mar, 2014
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Every week leading up to Velo-city Global Adelaide 2014, the leading global conference on cycling, we're going to get you acquainted with one of the fantastic conference speakers. This week:

Cycle forward with Niels Hoé

Niels Hoé has founded and runs the company HOE360 Consulting and has worked with cycling, green mobility and urban planning for more than 10 years with a strong focus on how those are combined in order to create high quality cities with great livability.
Niels works internationally on a wide range of projects all with cycling as a recognisable thread. And has made several notable Bicycle related concept- and design developments.

What excites you most about Velo-city Adelaide? "The opportunity to come together with the world of cycling, exchanging ideas and opinions, meeting people I've know for years and meeting others I haven't had the chance to know yet," says Niels. By attending a broad variety of talks and presentations, Niels hopes to hear that one thing that will make a difference.

For Niels, cycling is the way forward. Discussing whether or not cycling is the way ahead should not be the focus - more cities should just join the movement. "Those hesitating should look at cities that have made progress and be inspired - take what you can use, redesign it to your taste and do it in your own city." Cycling is the way to go, no hesitation.

When asked what his favourite bicycle memory is, Niels describes the joy of receiving his first bicycle at age 5. "A bright blue classic bike, given to me on a summer day by my parents. Learning to ride it with my grandfather and riding it up and down the road for the rest of that summer." Like all good bicycle memories, it didn't stop that summer. "I passed that tutoring on to my own two daughters - who learned faster than their dad," says Niels.

What are you looking forward to at Velo-city 2014? Check out these links then drop us a post on our Facebook group!

More info on Velo-city 

Velo-city conference website

Conference Programme PDF

Cycling is an easy choice. "It's what I do to get around my city." As Niels sees it, successful bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure plays a significant role in creating high quality cities with great living standards. "Cycling is that one investment that makes so much sense for a city".

Check out Hoe360 Consulting to view Niels' latest projects.

Register today for Velo-city Global 2014, and hear more from Niels Hoé and the other fantastic speakers in Adelaide.

 About the Author




Zoé Kruchten is a Communications Assistant at the European Cyclists’ Federation. She has a BA in International Relations and has worked in the past as a bike mechanic. She remembers fondly when her dad taught her how to ride a bike.

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