Velo-city 2018: Get to know the Plenary Speakers!

22 May, 2018
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Velo-city 2018 article series featuring mini interviews on plenary speakers continue with Rui Mesquita from Mozambikes.

Mozambikes focuses on EMPOWERING individuals, achieving social IMPACT, and stimulating GROWTH in communities. Bicycles are a highly efficient form of transport that incurs powerful impacts on the economy and environment of Mozambique. Bicycles are not just transport – they provide access to healthcare, clean water, schools and jobs. They also provide independence for people and reduced vulnerability to increasing costs of fuels.

Let’s now take a closer look at the conference’s 6th plenary, Advocacy for Inclusion, taking place at Velo-city 2018 Rio de Janeiro, on the 14th June 2018. We discussed with plenary speaker, Rui Mesquita on his expectations and thoughts about Velo-city 2018 Rio.

Rui Mesquita is the Co-Founder and General Manager of Mozambikes, actively responsible for the operations of procurement, human resources and production in the Mozambikes factory.  Rui also manages the sales and marketing, and is building the Mozambikes Ambassadors Program through a network of international partners.

A quick chat with Rui Mesquita:

□        What does Access to Life mean to you?

Access to quality of life – access to clean water, education, basic healthcare services.  Bicycles in Mozambique bring access to life because otherwise people spend hours walking to even meet their basic needs.

□        What cycling lessons are you bringing to Rio?

The importance of bicycles in fighting poverty and the innovative models that Mozambikes has formed in order to bring the world (individuals, private sector and NGOs) into helping us achieve this mission.

□        What are you looking forward to the most at Velo-city 2018?

Meeting other members of the international community that are as eager as we are to improve lives in rural areas in Undeveloped Countries.

□        What do you think is the added value of a global interdisciplinary approach to cycling?

The most important part of a global interdisciplinary approach is to mobilize resources from the developed world into utilizing bicycles to fight poverty.  That is the core of the Mozambikes model; to bring the private sector, aid organizations and bicycle-loving individuals into providing bicycles to those who can use them to access their basic needs and improve their quality of life.

□        What will you visit by bike in Rio?

EVERYTHING.  I cycle around 60km a day so nothing is too far to reach by bicycle since it’s the best way to get to know a city.

The Advocacy for Inclusion Plenary Session is scheduled for Day 3 of Velo-city 2018; Thursday 14th June 2018 at 16.40-17.40.

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