Tell us about your mobility campaign! Deadline extended to 22 August

30 Jul, 2014
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Is this your ticket

What’s your favourite cycling activity for the European Mobility Week? This is your chance to make your cycling campaign known all over Europe. We are preparing a collection of project and campaigns from all over Europe to inspire other cities and organizations with the best cycling  campaigns that are taking place (or that took place) during the European Mobility Week.

We are happy to announce that the deadline has been extended to 22 August 2014.

Step 1: Tell us about your cycling campaign that took place (or will take place) as part of European Mobility Week. It's a short form that won't take more than 5 minutes to fill out. Staff at ECF will then review all the entries and make sure they have all the relevant information.
Step 2: A public voting tool will be unveiled so that members of the public can choose the campaign/project they feel deserves the accolade of best cycling campaign.
Step 3: The winner of the public vote will be awarded a golden ticket to Velo-city 2015 in Nantes!
Projects and campaigns from all over Europe are encouraged to submit - it's all about sharing experiences and collecting as many insights as possible. Even the smallest of campaigns can even be a winner - a successful project which only used modest resources deserves to be part of our book of ideas.
Further information - and the campaign submission form - can be found here:
Let’s get together and inspire European cities!Is this your ticket end

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