Successful Leadership Programme Workshop in Zagreb

28 Nov, 2017
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On the 17th and 18th of November, we organized successful training and workshop days in Zagreb for our international members involved in the Leadership Programme. We had two days full of learning, sharing knowledge and good practices, but also networking and building collaborations. In addition to our hosts in Zagreb from Sindikat Biciklista, the workshop was attended by our members from France, Bosnia, Spain, Slovakia, Belarus, Portugal and Bulgaria.

In two days, we learned and shared about lobbying during election campaigns, methods of developing and managing of volunteers, branding, organization of events and fundraising. With numerous exercises, we also introduced a number of useful tools for the participants to use after the workshop. A lot of good practices have been shared by the participants. For instance on the Minsk bicycle event ‘Viva Rovar’, the successful story of Parlon Velo, the campaign of FUB during the French elections, on successful volunteering programmes by Sindikat Biciklista and many more.

The workshop was held in the headquarters of the Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia. At the end of the workshop days, we of course enjoyed a bicycle city tour to discover Zagreb, which was organized by the City of Zagreb with the help of the Tourist Board and Pedicab.

The learning outcomes and tools from the workshop will now be put into action by the participants to reach their goals set for the Leadership Programme to promote cycling on their national and local levels. We look forward to successful applications of new knowledge and tools, and to many international collaborations!

See also the success stories of the previous rounds of the Leadership Programme. If you want to learn more about the Leadership Programme, please contact Loes Holtmaat


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