Spain Subsidises The Purchase of Electric Bicycles

15 Jan, 2014
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For the first time the Spanish government has launched subsidies to buy electric bicycles as a way to improve air quality. Spain is a country that has traditionally subsidised the purchase of cars. The important automotive industry in the country and the need to renew an aging fleet justified this policy. But something is changing - for the first time ever the Spanish government has approved aid for the purchase of electric bicycles (pedelecs). This denotes that the government recognises the importance of this vehicle as a means of transportation in cities to improve air quality and we can assume this will bring a boost to the important bike industry in this country. With the promotion of AMBE - the Spanish Association of the Bicycle Industry which includes the main manufacturers and distributors of the major bicycle brands, components, accessories or apparel - the Spanish government has included pedelecs for the first time in one of the subsidising plans under the name of “Plan PIVE Aire 2”. In just one week, the 38 million budgeted for this plan has been spent mainly on subsidising cars and vans. AMBE is in constant contact with the Ministry of Environment with the idea to set aside a portion of the budget for pedelecs in the next few days. Perhaps a lack of experience and the absence of a specific allocation of the budget for pedelecs are some of the reasons many people have yet to use the subsidies for pedelecs. Electric bicycle sellers still need to develop the business infrastructure needed to increase subsidy bookings. Aid for the purchase of more efficient vehicles range from 200 euros for electric bicycles up to 4,000 euros for a van. AMBE, the instigators of the inclusion of electric bicycle in Plan PIVE Air 2, assert that this first inclusion of electric bicycles in the Plan is "very positive" and that "it has served to unite the sector". This has, in turn, enabled them to develop close ties to the administration and they hope that electric bicycles will be included in next year's plans. AMBE have even proposed to the Ministry of Environment the possibility of also including city bicycles in the plan. It looks like something is changing in Spain and it is obvious that the Cycling Industry has an important role to play.  

About the Author Jesus_bw   Jesus Freire Valderrama is a Project Officer at the ECF.


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