The Recumbent - An Ideal Touring Bicycle

17 Jun, 2014
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The average cyclist would find it painful to do over 100 kilometers daily for four subsequent days.  Not so for the  twelve recumbent cyclists who did the Speckweg 2014 Tour and enjoyed every single kilometer. The tour started in Sainte-Croix and passed through Dijon and Besançon before winding up in Basel. Everybody found this 400 kilometer tour both relaxing and fun and the pain usually associated with long distance cycling was far from their minds.

Many people consider bicycles to be the most practical type of vehicle and think that out of all forms of transport they are the most environmentally-friendly.  The most avid cyclists use their bicycle not only for their daily commute but also for touring. However, sitting on a 'standard' bike for extended periods of time can be extremely painful for all but the most hard-core cyclists.

This is  not the case with the recumbent bicycle which proves to be very comfortable, even over such long distances. 

Want to find out more about recumbent bicycles? You can find the community of relaxed recumbent riders at and or at one of their many events. Riders of 'standard' bicycles are always welcome too.

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