A Photo Diary of ECF's Annual General Meeting

11 Apr, 2012
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ECF’s Annual General Meeting in Vienna last week was without a doubt something special. ECF Policy officer, Martti Tulenheimo fills us in... 

Bicycle parades, sightseeing, culinary delights and infrastructure tours: Austria’s cycling groups, ARGUS, IG Fahrrad and Radlobby put on a brilliant show. With 69 people from 21 organisations we were astounded by the sheer number of people attending. It was our biggest AGM to date.

It dawned on many of us that cycling advocacy is getting stronger in Europe, and 2012 looks very promising.  And it makes sense. The City of Vienna wholeheartedly backed EU cycling experts gathering in the Austrian capital with the Vice-Mayor making an appearance. Indeed, governments are starting to realize that the cities of the futures must be cycling cities. By 2050, 70% of the world’s population will be urban. Couple that with the fact 30% of trips are less than 3km and more than half of all trips are less than 5km and the bicycle has a very bright future indeed.

It’s with open arms that ECF welcome 8 new members, and also welcomes Daniel Mourek from the Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation to the ECF board.

As a policy officer, apart from my daily commute by bicycle,  I often spend much of my time behind a computer. It was a real pleasure to go out and meet so many committed bicycle advocates and experience Vienna’s streets first hand.

Enjoy some of the great photos of the AGM below, and Viennese bicycle infrastructure.

More photos can be found on ECF’s Flickr Gallery.

Our great host Andrzej Felczak welcoming the participants to the Annual General Meeting. 


A Happy Reunion. Ksenia Semenova and Manfred Neun.


Getting to know Viennese cycling culture.DSC_0463

And getting to know Viennese bike infrastructure. 

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Vienna has been one of the first pioneers of bicycle-sharing since May 2003. 


Vienna’s bicycle-sharing scheme has 1,200 bikes for over 325,000 long term subscribers and caters 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 


Costas Tsiringakis and the extra loooooong cargo bike. 


A charming collection of vintage bikes on sale at a local coffee shop. 


Bike Kitchen. It’s the food that has always brought people together. 


Vienna has improved its cycling infrastructure in the recent years. 

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Plenty of 30 km/h (20 mph) streets in Vienna making the urban environment livable and safe. 

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Back to the Annual General Meeting.


Manfred Neun introducing the ECF Vision 2020. 


Casting the votes.


New ECF Members introducing to the Annual General Meeting: Ruedi Müller representing Future Bike CH of Switzerland.


Welcoming the new members in ECF family. Damien Ó Tuama representing the Cyclist.ie of Ireland who replaced the Dublin Cycling Campaign.


The new jovial ECF Board together with ECF Secretary General. 


Kevin Mayne leading the workshop on ECF Leadership Program.

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Good discussions with the VOCA meeting participants. 


Deputy Mayor Vienna, Maria Vassilakou.


Newly elected Board Member, Daniel Mourek. 


ECF and VOCA riding together and sharing thoughts.


Some Happy Snaps from the Bicycle Parade.


A Penny Farthing is always an eye-catcher.


Farewell Drinks at the Theseus temple in Volksgarten.


Hope to see you next year in Bratislava! 



About The Author. 

Martti Tulenheimo is the ECF Policy Officer for Urban Mobility and Member Contact Person

Contact the author

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