NowWeMove is looking for Best Practice Examples: Is that you?

06 Feb, 2014
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Are you a sports organisation or a municipality? Do you have any examples of outstanding partnerships between sports organizations and local authorities? Now is your time to speak up and inspire others to follow your example!

ECF supports ISCA and its partners in the ACTIVE Network to put together the ACTIVE Network Collection of Good Examples, which recognises outstanding partnerships between municipalities and sport organisations. The Collection began with best practice examples from the ACTIVE Network project partners' collaborative efforts. Ten of these partnerships were awarded at the MOVE Congress in Barcelona last October. One of the winners was an ECF member which organized a cross-sector event against cancer with the participation of 26 organizations all supporting active transport!

Be an example: Start by filling in our questionnaire!

Now we are seeking to add more best practice examples to the Collection. If your organisation or municipality has been working in this type of cross-sector partnership, and you would like to contribute to the collection, you are welcome to complete our ACTIVE Network Collection of Good Examples questionnaire.

Sport organisations and municipalities that demonstrate their good examples in the questionnaire will receive:

• An invitation to the ACTIVE Network Closing Conference in May 2014
• A certificate that celebrates and supports continuous improvement for partnerships between municipalities and sport organisations.
• Featured on the ACTIVE Network webpage and in the ACTIVE Network on-line Manual
• With your permission, your partnership will be signposted to other sport organisations and local authorities as a model of good practice in partnership

Click here to access the questionnaire!

What is ACTIVE Network Good Example?

A best/good example is a partnership that includes substantial and well-documented proof of success and that has had an impact and/or has successfully met its program objectives, that it can be transferred to or replicated in different contexts.

In order to contribute to the Collection of Good Examples, we ask you to demonstrate that you have met the criteria below which illustrate your competencies in this area. ISCA will base their assessment criteria on existing identified good practice and evidence. 

About the ACTIVE Network project
The ACTIVE Network project has brought municipalities and sport organisations together to look at effective partnerships and highlight best practices in partnerships working towards the promotion of sport for all. It is the first project that the EU (2012 Preparatory Action in the field of sport) has ever funded of this size working specifically with municipalities and sports organisations. The project has run for over one year now and will draw to a close in May 2014. Its aims are to draw attention to the importance of partnership working between sport for all organisations and municipalities, build networks to identify, develop and promote best practice, and recognise and reward good partnership working practice.

Read more about the ACTIVE Network project here.


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