NowWeBike Tour Final Event!

01 Sep, 2015
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The NowWeBike European tour is coming to an end as the team of cyclists is approaching Brussels. And a great celebration is in place to mark the occasion! On 09.09.2015 NowWeBike team along with ECF and their longtime partner ISCA are inviting all interested to the final event at Square Conference Center, Magritte foyer, MOVEWeek stand at 14:00! Before the main event you will have a chance to ride the bike to add more kilometers to the tolerance ride as well as take pictures and at the official ceremony you will have the chance to ask questions to the team! Be there and support cross sector partnership and tolerance between all! NowWeBike tour is part of biggest European campaign NowWeMOVE which aims to tackle physical inactivity among Europeans. Recent study shows that cost to the European economy of "doing nothing" is over 80bn Euros per year and physical inactivity is the 4th leading risk factor for global mortality. A team of cyclists will cross the borders of 13 countries, for 47 days and will cover approximately 2.700 km and engaging partners, the press and the public in side events in each country along the route. NowWeBike's objective is to encourage participation in sport and exercise by attracting citizens to be a part of a pan-European activity. For more information please visit NowWeBike website.

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