A new tourist stop: Bike Info Center in Zagerb, Croatia

17 Aug, 2012
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Things are moving on up in the world of cycling for our members. Set to unveil on September 16th in the beautiful and captivating historical center of Zagreb, the Croation cycling Association Moj Bicikl, will open the first cycling information and education center.

Mok Bicikl’s Bike Info Center is located right in the very center of Zagreb; a famous and popular historic area that is regularly visited by the citizens of Zagreb, not to mention tourists from all over the world.  

The Bike Info center will play host to a range of seminars, workshops and lectures about cycling and how it fits into the development of cities everywhere.

Invitations for the opening of the Bike Info center will be sent out to ECF members shortly – however, in the meantime, Mok Bicikl asks ECF members to send them any visuals and promotional materials (brochures, post cards, etc.) so that they can display them in the new and beautifully-situated Bike Info Center. 

About the Author

Alexandra Cutean is the Communications Assistant at ECF and a long-time cyclist. With a background in conflict resolution and European Affairs, she spends most of her spare time looking for new places to visit, and mapping out bike routes.  

Contact the author

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