New publication about the promotion of walking and cycling released

23 Feb, 2015
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Transport Research Centre Verne from Tampere university of Technology has gathered new information about the promotion of walking and cycling and published an inspiring and illustrative book for planners and decision makers.

This book brings together information on walking and cycling for the base of urban planning and will hopefully increase enthusiasm and knowledge on how to develop walking and cycling conditions in cities. The book is divided into two parts. Part one describes the effects of improved pedestrian conditions to business life, city centre transport system that promotes walking and the principles of pedestrian traffic planning. Part two includes chapters on the potential of bicycle commuting based on geographical information, extensive photo album on best solutions for cycling infrastructure and the best practices for cycle path winter maintenance. Material for the publication was collected from several European countries and cities. Case cities include Linköping, Lund and Umeå (Sweden); Copenhagen (Denmark); Nijmegen, Delft, Utrecht and ‘s-Hertogenbosch (the Netherlands); Sheffield and Peterborough (Great Britain) and Oulu (Finland).

The book can be purchased from Juvenes Print publication webstore and is also available as a pdf-document in Transport Research Centre Verne’s website:

Juvenes Print publication webstore:

Pdf-document available at:

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