Nantes inhabitants are getting into cycling mood

16 Mar, 2015
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Velo-city 2015 Nantes is already kicking off the first round of the activities by rewarding almost two dozens of citizens' bicycle projects. Launching cycling repair workshops for youngsters, short movie to trigger inhabitants to move around by bike, setting up musical and phosphorescent cycling tracks are just a few examples of the awarded projects.

Cours des 50 Otages/Velo-city 2015/Roberto Giangrande Cours des 50 Otages/Velo-city 2015/Roberto Giangrande

Nantes inhabitants will welcome the biggest cycling conference in less than 3 months. What’s in for them? The city decided to leave some room for local associations, companies and groups to push on the pedals: in October 2014 they called for citizens' projects in link with cycling. The chosen projects have been revealed last Friday and the least to say is that les Nantais have been quite creative on the subject.

More on Velo-city

From 3 to 5 June 2015 in Nantes (France)

Registrations are open (early bird until April 20th)

Preprogramme is online, with descriptions of the sessions in the pipeline (stay tuned!)

Short movie, cycling repair workshops

Getting kids away from TV and onto bikes, proposing cycling luggage carry service during the Velo-city week, realising a short movie to trigger all inhabitants to move around by bike, setting up musical and phosphorescent cycling track, launching cycling repair workshops for youngsters… those are just a sample of chosen projects that will get funding from Nantes métropole.

The city already had achieved a lot in terms of cycling development in the last years, and it is great to see local inhabitants commited to get more people cycling in the framework of the Velo-city conference.  ECF is keen to see local legacy from Velo-city, therefore we chose a different host each year. Nantes is definitely on the good path to make the best of it!

About the author:

EuroVelo 6 in Romania by chloemisChloé Mispelon is a Communications Officer at ECF, when not behind her computer in Brussels making sure is up-to-date, she goes out on two wheels taking pictures of the cycling world.







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