MOVE Week 2014, time to get moving!

24 Jun, 2014
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MOVE Week is almost upon as again! From 29th September to 5th October 2014, MOVE Week will once again unite Europe to celebrate and promote sport and physical activity.

The NowWeMove campaign is a joint effort between ECF and the International Sports and Culture Association (ISCA) that aims to get 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. For MOVE Week 2014, we aim to get 1 million Europeans moving and we hope that you will help us make it happen.

Now entering its third year, MOVE Week 2014 offers a fantastic opportunity for organisations and cities alike to be part of a pan-European event, to make new cross-sectoral partnerships and to promote cycling to whole new audiences. Last year, the event was an enormous success with 30 countries taking part, 1259 events organized and over 500,000 participants getting active. Over a third of events were focused on cycling but we think we can do even better in 2014.

Being part of MOVE Week is easy because almost anything counts as an event. Last year, we saw everything from bike races to lessons to critical mass rides, the only requirement is that all events must be free so that anyone can join in.

If you want to find out more about this great campaign, check out our MOVE Week page where you can find links to your National Coordinators or feel free to contact ECF coordinator Acacia Smith ( 

MOVE Week relies on the participation of organisations all over Europe to make this happen. We hope that you will join ECF this year in making it an even bigger success than last year! We are here to help you all the way with plenty of free promotional material to make sure you gain media attention and capacity building through free toolkits and webinars.

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