MEPs looking for more commitment from the European Commission to invest in cycling

26 Jun, 2013
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A group of MEPs from across the political spectrum have joined forces to call upon the European Commission to encourage investment in the development and promotion of cycle routes. 

The Written Declaration refers to the fact that there are 35 million EU citizens who cycle every day, and more than 100 million Europeans who cycle regularly.  It also makes reference to the importance of cycle tourism, which a study commissioned by the European Parliament estimated contributes almost EUR 44 billion to the European economy every year.  It therefore stresses that it is important that the European Commission encourage investment in the development of cycle routes for the 2014-2020 period and to promote cycle routes.  It also asks the Commission to ensure the application of the relevant EU legislation to cycle routes.

A Written Declaration is a statement of policy proposed by a group of MEPs, which is placed before the Parliament for signature.  Any MEP can sign up to support the declaration if they would like it to become the Parliament’s official position.  More than half the MEPs – currently 366 – are needed to add their signatures for it to be taken forward.

EU residents can influence the outcome of a Written Declaration by lobbying their MEPs and asking them to sign up.  Has your MEP signed up?  If not, you can contact them and encourage them to do so.  You can find their contact details here.

The Written Declaration (0005/2013) can be viewed in all the official languages of the EU here.

The MEPs have until Monday 15th July to sign up.

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