MEPs call for coherent cycling and EuroVelo provisions in TEN-T guidelines

31 Jan, 2014
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The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has been working hard since 2011 to ensure that EuroVelo, the European cycle route network; and cycling generally, are included in the guidelines for the European Union’s Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

Despite the European Parliament’s explicit request (in December 2011) for EuroVelo to be included in the TEN-T, the European Commission’s originally proposed guidelines didn’t include any reference to EuroVelo or cycling.  The ECF then led a successful campaign to introduce these references into the drafting of the actual TEN-T regulations for the period 2014 – 2020.

The European Parliament voted, during its November 2013 plenary session an amendment which refers to EuroVelo and cycling for the first time. The amendment, together with the report, was passed by a large majority. The Council later approved this decision and the guidelines have now been formally adopted. The ECF is now keen to clarify what this wording will mean in practice and if it will open up possibilities for the funding of EuroVelo infrastructure along TEN-T priority corridors.

"When implementing projects of common interest on the TEN-T, due consideration should be given to the particular circumstances of the individual project. Where possible, synergies with other policies should be exploited, for instance with tourism aspects by including on civil engineering structures such as bridges or tunnels bicycle infrastructure for long-distance cycling paths like the EuroVelo routes."

Wording in the guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network.

Following the plenary vote, ECF sent a survey to Members of the European Parliament with the aim of ascertaining their personal positions on this issue.

1 . Do you support including the reference to cycling and EuroVelo in the TEN-T guidelines?

2. Do you agree that the development of the European cycle route Network and cycling in general should be recommended, or at least eligible, for regional and rural development cohesion funds?Do you agree that the European Commission should identify a dedicated funding source for EuroVelo, the European cycle route network?

3. Numerous respondents to our survey answered ‘Yes’ to questions 1, 2, and 3, and we were delighted  to see a positive response to this issue from right across the political spectrum.

Among these respondents were members of the European People’s Party (EPP), the Socialists and Democrats’ group (S&D), the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE), the Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA), and independent members of the European Parliament. They presented a consensus on the need for investment on cycling at a European level, although for some the current level of EuroVelo integration in TEN-T does not go far enough.

A selection of some of the comments that we received is set out below:

"We have to continue to stand behind the vision of a European cycle route network that is fully integrated in the TEN-T, since it is the core idea of the European Union guidelines on "smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. As the ECF states that the funding of 1.5 – 2.5 billion Euros for 7 years to reach completion by 2020, cycling represents a huge return on investment which is 7 billion Euros of revenue annually. Therefore, cycling needs to become a priority for TEN-T. 

I totally agree that the European Commission should identify a dedicated funding source for EuroVelo. The European Parliament already voted upon the report in the plenary session in November by a large majority. I hope that we carry on the debate and that we will have the EuroVelo infrastructure completed in 2020."

Markus FERBER, EPP, Germany


“I supported the inclusion of references to EuroVelo and cycling in the TEN-T Guidelines and would like to see a dedicated fund established for the European cycle route network.”


Spyros DANELLIS, S&D, Greece


"Although the European Parliament has supported the above mentioned recital with a huge majority, cycling is unfortunately not yet supported by the Council and the Commission on a level that could and should be reached! During the negotiations for the TEN-T guidelines, Greens/EFA have pushed for an inclusion of EuroVelo that would allow funding independently of other major infrastructure projects. I will keep on promoting cycling as a sustainable way of transport and tourism, and hope that many fellow MEPs as well as the Commission and the Council will do so as well."

Michael CRAMER, Greens/EFA, Germany 


"I support the recital mentioned above, to include reference to cycling and EuroVelo in TEN-T guidelines. I also agree that the development of the European cycle route Network and cycling in general should be recommended, or at least eligible, for regional and rural development cohesion funds."

Fiona HALL, ALDE, United Kingdom 


"Cycling is for every day. Just as other methods of transport - roads, rail, shipping have their place in TEN-T, cycling has its place too.

Investment in cycling can improve everyone’s quality of life."

Sari ESSAYAH, EPP, Finland


ECF will continue to support the will of these MEPs, and their electorate, by pushing for further funding opportunities for EuroVelo. According to a recent Eurobarometer study, 49% of European citizens cycle regularly. In order to support this half of the population, European Union investment to make cycle journeys safer and more enjoyable is essential.


To find out more about the MEPs backing our campaign, please visit their websites -

Michael Cramer -

Fiona Hall -

Sari Essayah -

Markus Ferber -

Spyros Daneillis -


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