Memorandum on establishment of new Czech cycling federation signed by main cycling NGOs in Brno.

28 Jul, 2015
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Representatives of main cycling NGO s lead by Nadace Partnerství decided to join forces and establish a new Czech cycling federation representing the needs of bicycle users from Czech and Moravian cities as well as the needs of numerous Czech cycle tourists.

The Czech Republic is one of the few countries where national, non-profit cycling organization representing bicycle users is missing. Based on experience working with the ECF and its member organizations we want to change the situation and establish nation-wide cycling federation representing the members of funding NGO s“, says Daniel Mourek from Brno based Nadace Partnerství. The signing ceremony in Brno was part of the Leadership program supported by ECF in order to bring the existing cycling member groups from major Czech and Moravian cities together. Prior to the signing of common Memorandum was a seminar with participation of spoke person of the partner organization from Austria, RadLobby Österreich, Alec Hager. The Austrian together with Polish or Ukrainian examples of cycling NGO s were used as best practice while lying down the building stones of the Czech cycling federation. The memorandum (see picture from the Nadace Partnerství s Open Garden) was signed by representatives of Prague based Auto*Mat, Brno based „Brno na kole“, Hradec Králové based Hradecká stezka and others focusing on urban cycling as well by Nadace Partnerství, Klub českých turistů and ČeMBA which are dealing mainly with cycle tourism and MTB. Main goals of the Czech Cycling federation will be lobbying in favor of bicycle users and cycle tourists on national level, networking and implementation of common campaigns such as  By bike to work, Safe routes to schools, Shopping by bike, use of cargo bikes and promotion of mutual events such as urban bicycle rides and of cycling culture in general (e.g. promotion of network of community bicycle workshops BajkAzyl). The exchange of ideas will be conducted by organizing biannual conferences and workshops and collaboration with cycling industry based on Austrian cycle competence center or model of ECF´s Cycling Industry Club. After the signing ceremony of the memorandum participants visited newly opened community workshop BajkAzyl in Brno which has already 4 similar outlets in the Czech Republic and which also focusses on training of young cycle mechanics from disadvantaged families.   Contact: Daniel Mourek, international affairs coordinator, Nadace Partnertsví, tel.: 736 747 361

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