Mannheim's take on Cycle Logistics

04 Feb, 2014
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Photo: City of Mannheim Press and Communications Department Photo: City of Mannheim, Press and Communications Department

Mannheim, the geometric city of Germany, has been thinking outside the box. As part of the European Biking Cities project, Mannheim  has taken on some particularly interesting cycling projects. A bicycle library, a cargo-bike delivery company, and a lot of bicycle parades to boot!

The European Biking Cities project aims to support a modal shift to non-polluting forms of transportation, hence the focus on biking. As their campaign puts it, “Cities need more cyclists and pedestrians if they don’t want to drown in pollution and congestion”.  Well said!

A big part of promoting more trips by bike is to increase the delivery of goods by bicycle. Studies by ECF project partner CycleLogistics show that there is great potential to shift to goods delivery by bicycle. So how does Mannheim make cycling more attractive? By getting creative and promoting new initiatives!

The Bibliobike is the “little brother” of the mobile library (MoBi) of the city of Mannheim. Named FaBio, the mobile library is moved via a bright red cargo bike. This small library brings books to swimming pools, parks, and street festivals – places where its motorized big brother cannot go. Filled with children’s books, it is an integrated part of the MoBi library system – meaning those with a library card can borrow the books on site.

5 Regiovelo Anhänger Photo: RegioVelo

ECF’s Project Manager for CycleLogistics Randy Rznewzki is positive about these developments: “It is very exciting to see that Mannheim is supporting initiatives that get more goods moving by cycle.”

Another initiative involves the bicycle delivery company, RegioVelo, which delivers fresh organic products straight to your door. By avoiding parking and traffic problems, not only are they relieving Mannheim of some CO2, but they’re delivering those groceries faster! Supporting mainly local and regional products, the overall distance traveled of these goods is minimized - other positive step towards lowering pollution. Clients simply choose the type of grocery box they wish to receive, and RegioVelo delivers!




 About the Author


Zoé Kruchten is a Communications Assistant at the European Cyclists’ Federation. She has a BA in International Relations and has worked in the past as a bike mechanic.

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