Lessons from Velo-city 2017: the Irish example!

12 Jul, 2017
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Cyclist.ie, in collaboration with Dublin Cycling Campaign, have developed a tradition of holding a special meeting back at home soon after the end of each Velo-city to exchange and disseminate the best ideas encountered by Irish delegates. We believe that this is an idea worth sharing with all ECF members!

Each year we invite the delegates to share the most exciting ideas they took away from the conference, in short and dynamic presentations, in what ends up being an entertaining and educational evening for all.

Over 25 Irish delegates attended Velo-city in June 2017 organised jointly by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and Region of Nijmegen - Arnhem in The Netherlands. This year’s meeting is planned for Monday the 14th of August 2017. Already confirmed as speaking at the special event are:


Click here for all details of the event.

We believe that this is an idea worth sharing with all ECF members. Any ECF member group can organize an event, inviting people who attended Velo-city to spend a short time presenting the best ideas they encountered. The key is to keep contributions short and to the point, allowing time for audience participation. From our own experience in Cyclist.ie, it can be a great night on many levels - not least because it helps forge new relationships in the cycling space as well as getting good ideas 'out there'. 

It would be great if other (national level) cycle advocacy groups across Europe (and beyond) convened equivalent meetings so as to disseminate further the most interesting ideas that emerged from Velo-city. We need to build on the momentum and energy created in Nijmegen and Arnhem last month!


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Contact the author

Damien Ó Tuama's picture
ECF Vice President

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