Kindergarten playing for good cycling habits

14 Apr, 2014
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Look at them go! Four kindergartens in Fredericia (Denmark), a participating city in B-Track-B, focused on encouraging young children to develop cycling habits at an early age. Along with the CykelScore project, Fredericia is training the next generation of cyclists!

Children's early years are a very crucial time to shape the behaviors they will have for the rest of their life, both in terms of skills and in terms of habits. With this in mind, Fredericia introduced cycling activities focusing on very young children by inviting the kindergartens to take part in the CykelScore project. Bicycle training at an early age also makes kids safer on the bike so they can move more confidently in traffic.

More on B-Track-B, the EU-funded project The project will combine cycling, game elements and new social media, RIFD and GPS.

Four kindergartens in Fredericia has taken up the challenge and accepted the invitation to participate. They have all had a checkpoint installed so the children, their parents and staff can gain points in the virtual lottery every day by cycling. The more points garnered, the bigger the chances are to win one of the great prizes.

The kindergartens have also been provided with a package of bike playground equipment, in combination with the Danish Cyclists ' Union booklet "20 Bicycle Games" to give educators inspiration for actual bike training in the kindergartens.

The funniest and most effective cycling training is done through movement and play. That is why a parachute, cones, balls and colored rings can help to boost the development of the children's cycling skills. Children as young as two years can join the 20 simple bike games. The games are designed to stimulate the children’s motor skills, intellect, health and self-confidence.

Fredericia hopes that the kindergartens children involved in this project will have fun and learn and that in this way help to give the 2-6 -year-old some good and healthy cycling habits.

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