Invitation to new international cycling rally in Italy

05 Dec, 2014
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CicloradunoWe are happy to announce that Italian ECF member FIAB (Federazione Italiana Amici della Bicicletta) is organising the first ever ‘Cicloraduno Internazionale dell'Amicizia’, an international gathering of cyclists from all over Europe, which will take place from June 14 - 21, 2015 in the charming town of Peschiera del Garda.

FIAB would like to extend the invitation to all ECF members to join this gathering in the Veneto region, a place full of history and of environmental attractions, as well as easy to reach from abroad. Participants will get a unique insight into cycling tourism in Italy, with ample opportunities to see the beautiful surroundings and many opportunities for networking.  

Whether you choose to join for the whole week or just a long weekend, it will be a great holiday and a fabulous opportunity to cycle in one of
the most enchanting and well equipped cycling areas in Italy. Every day participants will be offered the choice between a mountain biking or racing bike tour, giving you the opportunity to admire the lake, hills, rivers and mountains, accompanied by expert guides and an efficient roadside bicycle assistance. After a long day of bike riding, there will be interesting sights to see, such as visiting the theme parks of Gardaland and Natura Viva or taking the historical ferry across the lake. Participants will also get the chance to sample the local gastronomy of the region.

For those of you who like to travel lightly by plane or train, good trekking bikes will be available locally for rent.

You can find out more about the programme here, as well as information on registering and getting there.

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