German Government Gathers Cycling Literature

31 May, 2012
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The German Institute of Urban Affairs has developed one of Europe's largest databases on cycling literature.  

When we approach governments for more money and cycling infrastructure, we need hard facts and solid evidence to convince them. A brilliant resource can be found at the German Institute of Urban Affairs.  As part of Germany's National Cycle Plan, they have developed a database containing  literature on cycling.  

"There is so much good knowledge and best practices available on how to promote cycling," says Tilman Bracher who works for the institute. 

"This is one of the biggest sources on cycling in Europe and provides experts and the general public with all kinds of information on how to promote cycling as part of a sustainable transport policy."

As of May 2012, the database contains over 2100 literature sources, of which 1.100 can be downloaded. Most literature is in German with 20% in English and French or at the very least with an English summary. 

It would appear that bicycle advocacy groups have some homework to do... 

 About the Author

Julian Ferguson is the Communications Officer for the European Cyclists’ Federation. Originally hailing from Australia and a keen bicycle advocate, he plans one day to ride his bicycle from Brussels to Melbourne


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