German bike market value remains stable in 2013

06 May, 2014
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Numbers presented recently by German two-wheeler industry association ZIV suggest that in 2013 the value of sales on the bike market remained largely stable at more than € 4 billion, even though the number of bicycles sold decreased slightly.  A higher average value per bike sold almost neutralised the negative effects of adverse conditions like a long winter combined with a rainy summer.

According to ZIV general manager Siegfried Neuberger, three positive trends on the bike market were responsible for the stable development of sales figures: The bike extending its position as an integral part of everyday mobility; a renewed focus of customers on quality; and the persistent dynamic development of the e-bike market.

In 2013, 3.8 million bikes (of which 410 000 e-bikes) were sold in Germany, 4% less than in 2012. The average price of a bike (including e-bikes) was at € 520, an increase of € 5 compared to 2012. The focus of customers on quality also benefited specialist suppliers, which defended their dominant position in the retail market with a share of almost 70% of bikes sold. The sales of e-bikes increased by 8%, reaching a share of 11% of all bikes sold. Positive news also comes from the bike export market, which increased by almost 9% to 1.28 million units exported, while imports decreased slightly from 2.94 million units in 2012 to 2.87 million in 2013.

Bikes are an important part of everyday mobility in Germany

Neuberger emphasised that the German bike industry had a positive outlook. According to him, the bike forms an increasingly important part of everyday mobility, offering benefits for health and the environment as well as for people’s personal budget - which makes it the only mode of transport that offers solutions for the mobility of the future already today.

ZIV press release (in German)

 About the Author

HO_bwHolger Haubold is ECF's Fiscal and Economic Policy Officer. Prior to joining ECF, he worked as a trainee at the Council of the European Union and did a Master in European Studies and Economics at ULB Brussels.

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