ECF wishes Cypriot Presidency to back integration of EuroVelo into TEN-T

30 Jul, 2012
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The European Parliament supports it, and so does the European Economic and Social Committee: EuroVelo, the European long-distance cycle route network, is aiming to become part of the Trans-European Network Transport (TEN-T). ECF has sent a memorandum to the Cypriot Presidency that took office on July 1, and the European Council of Ministers will receive the dossier later this year.


What is EuroVelo? What is TEN-T?

EuroVelo consists of 14 long-distance cycle routes with well over 45,000 km already in use. Thousands of additional kilometers are planned and when completed, the network will total over 70,000 km. More than 70% of the network is located on public roads and only 14% consists of separated bicycle paths or lanes. TEN-T is funded by the European Union, as well as Member States with the objective to circulate goods and people quickly and easily between Member States, while also assuring international connections.

Why integrate EuroVelo into TEN-T?

In order to fully tap into the enormous potential of EuroVelo as soon as possible, both for the daily as well as recreational cyclist, ECF envisions its completion by 2020. EuroVelo supports various EU strategies on de-carbonising transport and making Europe the world’s No 1 tourism destination, while supporting regional development, namely in Europe’s peripheral countries. The estimated economic impact of the EuroVelo Network when complete is  roughly 12.5 million holiday trips per year and 33.3 million day excursions per year; which together, will generate almost €5 billion direct revenue annually.   

What next?

 In 2012, the European Parliament will adopt its first reading on the revised TEN-T guidelines. Following this, the dossier will move on to the European Council under the Cypriot Presidency. A decision is expected to be made in 2013/2014, depending on how quickly both EU institutions are able to reach an agreement.

For more info, visit: or view the memo: Podilatokinisi and ECF Memorandum_Cypriot presidency


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Fabian Küster's picture
Director - Advocacy and EU Affairs

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