ECF welcomes new President

22 May, 2018
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ECF is pleased to announce the election of Christophe Najdovski as the new President.

Christophe is a born and bred Parisian, where he has spent over 15 years representing the French Green Party, Europe Écologie Les Verts, in the City Council.

Since 2014, he has been the Deputy Mayor of Paris for Transportation, Mobility, Roadway and Public Space. In this role, he actively promotes an environmentalist agenda in mobility policy, in pursuit of reducing atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. He also advocates for the restoration of public spaces to pedestrians and cyclists to facilitate better mobility for everyone.

Prior to this role, he served as the Deputy Mayor of the 12th Sector of Paris for Transportation and Mobility, where he oversaw the implementation of a green mobility policy, which included the launch of the bike sharing scheme – Vélib. 

Christophe Najdovski on his election as ECF President:

“I am looking forward to bring my knowledge and experience of public mobility policies, in particular those of cycling, to help ECF with the development of cycling practice at a European level and beyond”.

Christophe was welcomed by acting ECF President Lars Stömgren, who has served in this role since former President Manfred Neun retired in December 2017:

“We are very glad that an outstanding politician who already is active in an international context, with a clear focus on the value of cycling in a sustainable world, is going to lead the ECF as President”.

Alessandro Tursi from Italy has also been newly elected to the ECF board. This is in addition to the re-election of Raluca Fiser and Damien Ó Tuama. They join Lars Strömgren, Jens Peter Hansen, William Nederpelt and Isabel Porras Novalbos as Vice Presidents. This team of seven will support Christophe in his new role, along with Secretary General Bernhard Ensink who leads the ECF staff organisation in Brussels. The board thanks Ksenia Semenova for her services to ECF as Vice President as she stands down.

We would like to thank the host of our Annual General Meeting, FIAB, for their support and great work in organizing this successful event.


Picture: New President Christophe Najdovski, retired President Manfred Neun, former Acting President Lars Stromgren


Contact the author

Anna-Karina Reibold's picture
Intern - Communications

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