ECF summer campaign week 6: travel the world with Mundubicyclette

02 Aug, 2013
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mundubicyclette- iran Iran- Photo credit Mundubicyclette

This week blog will transport yu to another planet. We follow the life of a family going around the globe on their bicycles. Alice & Andoni had already been on a 3 years globe tour when they decided to leave again with their daughter Maïa and their son to come.

“Travelling has almost become our way of life, we enjoy being nomad, the feeling of extreme freedom given by the road, not knowing where our path will lead us nor what it will bring to us.” Says Alice to explain

They have crossed the 5 continents visiting 55 countries for a total of 70 000Km cycled.

They are not representative of the huge majority of cycle tourists who go for a day, a week or a month, but their journey is inspirational , it show how with your legs, some time and a lot of positive mind you can accomplish the experience of a life time.

Now as you and me will probably never take the chance to go on such an adventure, let's have a 5 min dream watching the trailer of their up coming documentary:

mundubicyclette- trailer

Long distance cycle tourism with children

Whereas most of the parents would consider a young child as an obstacle to long distance journey, they explain: “Seeing our daughter growing, we know that at one point she will need a home to settle down and go to school. We shall enjoy her young age for family travelling”.  They also have tackled the challenge of a second child on the way. Finding solutions day after day to accomodate the changes and the needs of each of them. For instance when their trailer became too small for permanent cohabitation between the 2 kids, they changed a bike to a tandem recumbent with the 5 years old girl.

Meeting the world

They enjoyed the best of what the world has to offer: landscape and people take a glimpse at their numerous photos and dive into their "journal de bord" in French and Spanish

EuroVelo 6 in Romania by chloemis

About the Author 

Chloé Mispelon is the Communications Officer for ECF. Apart from being a cycling data wonk she actually gets out from behind the computer and cycles. Her last trip was from Brussels to Istanbul.

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