ECF Summer Campaign

21 Jun, 2013
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Welcome to the ECF Summer Campaign

Straying off the EuroVelo 8. Alone at the beach in Hyeres in the south of France Straying off the EuroVelo 8. Alone at the beach in Hyeres in the south of France

Part one: Photo competition

This summer we are inviting you to participate and share your best summer cycling photos with us.

Summer and Cycling 

Every Monday we will choose a photo that will be our Facebook cover photo for the week and a selection of photos that will be added to our picture collection with your name on it. Want to have your picture seen by the worlds cycling enthusiasts or featured in one of our publications?  Well, then it’s time to charge your camera and oil your chain or finally organize your photo collection and send us your winning shot!

Entering criteria:

 Your picture has a connection to cycling, summer, Europe and possibly also EuroVelo.  Submit your picture with a short text telling us about it and send it to with the subject “Summer photo”.  All photos that are chosen to become a apart of our official photo gallery will get a confirmation email. 

Part 2: Blog

Are you a blogger? Do you know a good blog you want the world to know about? Every day a great number of people sit down in front of their screens to communicate thoughts and experiences to the vast triple W‘s.  There are myriads of blogs out there and we want you to submit your favorite blog or blog post about cycling and summer. Every Friday we will choose a blog and feature it on our Facebook and twitter account. Ready to share your passion?

Entering criteria:

 Your submission has a connection to cycling, summer, Europe and possibly also EuroVelo.  Submit your blog with a short text telling us about it and send it to with the subject “Blog”. All blogs that will be featured will be contacted by email. 





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Contact Us

Avenue des Arts, 7-8
Postal address: Rue de la Charité, 22 
1210 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 329 03 80