ECF member succeeds in publishing crowd-sourced book: Cures for Ailing Organizations

14 Nov, 2014
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one street

ECF member, One Street, has succeeded in raising enough funds through Kickstarter to publish a manual for nonprofits struggling to achieve their goals. Published this week, Cures for Ailing Organizations acts as a guidebook for organisations hindered by problems common to the non-for-profit-sector.

“I wrote Cures for Ailing Organizations because I have seen far too many nonprofits and social enterprises crippled by the same problems—infighting, communication breakdowns, self-serving individuals, and vague policies,” said author and One Street executive director Sue Knaup. “All are easily remedied through simple, consecutive steps that reverse harm and prevent re-occurrence.”

The book’s 210 pages are laid out much like a first aid manual, starting with diagnosis to discover the causes of organization ailments. Readers are then guided through the first aid and remedy section to find solutions to their unique troubles. The last section demonstrates how to regain health and prevent troubles in the future. 

One Street, an Arizona based organisation dedicated to promoting cycling, has extensive first-hand knowledge on cycling advocacy, and is well placed to offer advice on how to make your organisation the most successful it can be. 

Cures for Ailing Organizations is now available worldwide and can be purchased through One Street’s online store, most local bookstores, and major online book vendors. 


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