Dutch government to spend 40 million euro on bicycle parking at stations

03 Nov, 2016
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The Dutch government will provide 40 million Euro of funding for bicycle parking at train stations. Provinces and municipalities will add the same amount of money. The total amount of 80 million Euros will be enough to solve the biggest problems that public transport hubs are facing at the moment.

Sharon Dijksma, undersecretary of Infrastructure and the Environment announced her plans on 31st of October 2016. The investment is part of an agreement between governments, transport companies and advocacy groups on bicycle parking at stations that will be signed later this year.

Nearly half of all rail passengers in the Netherlands cycle to the train station. A shortage of up to 100,000 places is predicted for the year 2030. The amount now available is insufficient to solve the overall deficit, but is an important starting point. Director Saskia Kluit of Fietsersbond (Dutch Cyclists’ Union), a ECF member organisation, is positive about the decision of Ms. Dijksma: "We have long been a supporter of such an agreement, and we hope parliament will support the undersecretary and will help her solve the problems that cyclists are facing at train stations."


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