The Daily Dispatch: Velo-city Global

27 Jun, 2012
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Wow what an event! The first day of Velo-city has been amazing! The twitter feeds have been full!  And ECF Staff have been on the hunt for some of the most interesting stories of the days at Velo-city global 2012. Make sure you read over their  Tuesday highlights. 

Have some of your own highlights to share? Tweet #velocity2012 or post on our facebook page. 


Kevin Mayne: ECF Development Director

Any Favourite Presentations? 

There were so many great presentations. But to narrow it down  how about Gil Penalosa, Manfred Neun, Gregor Robertson, Michael Kloth and Rodney Ellis who were all completely in sync. There messages were clear: we need political leadership, and we need it delivered with passion, with energy and by politicians and who actually go out and ride bikes. I also loved our Manfred quotes Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in the world” – that applies to these guys.

Any Memorable Quotes?

Senator Rodney Ellis, member of the Texas Senate “keep the cameras in the room” when describing how to get politicians attention!

Any Inspiring Moments? 

Gil Penalosa’s run through of just what can be achieved with vision across the world.

I also was really impressed by Velo Quebec – a demonstration of what well organised, committed and professional advocacy organisations can achieve.


Bixi bikes in front of the venue at Velo-city 2012

 Martti Tulenheimo: ECF's Urban Mobility Officer

Any favourite presentations? 

I must admit, I'm quite a bike-sharing nerd. So I loved Scott Edwards (Manager of the Streets Activities Branch, City of Vancouver)  really fascinating update about the Vancouver's contemplated public bike share scheme. The key lessons that he shared with us, is that cities planning a bike sharing system need to:

  • build infrastructure for cycling
  • be bike friendly
  • show leadership & direction
  • know their system metrics
  • go big
  • understand the importance of staff team  supporting bike sharing schemes. 

Any Memorable Quotes?

"Keep the cameras in the room if you want politicians to pay attention" (to bicycle friendly policies). Texas Senator Rodney Ellis, Plenary: "Diversity and Empowerment: Building a Cycling Culture".

"Before I have had the time to finish this phrase, ten more motorized vehicles will have been sold in Indonesia. Ten. So besides Copenganization we need to pay attention to what is really happening all around the world: Jakartarization." Paraphrasing Michael Kloth, Secretary General, ITF.

Any Inspiring Moments? 

Having all the bicycle advocates under the same roof... well it's just special. You really have to be their to experience it, but speaking to passionate people about cycling really had me feeling great all day. 


Vancouver's Mayor Gregor Robertson at the conference

Randy Rzewnicki- Project Manager for Cycle Logistics and ECF's Health Expert

Any Favourite Presentations? 

Troels Andersen from the Cycling Embassy of Denmark was so full of information, amazing facts & figures : 

Copenhagen has 20,000 cargo bikes & 20,000 bike trailers. One out of every three families with children in Copenhagen have cargo bikes.

The Danish Post calculated that their new Post bikes, with electrical assistance, are much more cost efficient, in material costs, and in labor time, than a motor vehicle. And with a trailer hooked on, they can carry as much as a car.

I loved the way he explained that they solve parents’ mobility needs and thus take away the daily need for a car. Or at least for the second car. If parents don’t need to have a car for daily use, they don’t need to buy one. “You can buy 20 or even 50 bike trailers for the cost of a car in Denmark,” says Troels. 

Any Memorable Quotes?

Safety is about making the roads safe for ALL users. It’s not about protecting cyclists from cars” Michael Kloth, Acting Secretary General International Transport Forum.

“We should have car-free institutions, where cars cannot come close to. That way it takes a lot more time for people to do the last part, by foot” -Troels Andersen.

Any Inspiring Moments? 

I saw a bike-trailer with electric assistance and it really got me excited. I think it’s great solution since you can usually ride a bike just with your leg power. But if you have a load to carry on the trailer, and you’ve got two extra wheels providing friction, that’s when you need the (electric) assistance. Especially if it’s a heavy load! Can’t wait to see the Cyclelogistics Business Plans & Vancouver’s Cyclelogistics at 10:00 am on Thursday.


ECF's booth at Velo-city

 Ceri Woolsgrove: ECF's Road Safety Officer 

Any favourite presentations? 

Alright, I admit, I’m obsessed with road safety.  And so far all the presentations have shown me that the more cyclists on the road the less likely the individual has of serious injury or fatality.

I loved the presentation by Bas de Geus who showed that the compared the Belgian region of Flanders had more cycling but a lower rate of minor accidents per kilometre travelled compared to the rest of the country.

Also speaking was Meghan Winters who was looking at cyclist risk perception in Vancouver, she concluded that though cyclists perception of risk and actual risk were broadly in agreement, cyclists often over exaggerated the risks of cycle tracks! 

Any Memorable Quotes?

"We need to stop building cities thinking everybody is 30 years old and athletic" - Gil Penalosa

Any Inspiring Moments? 

As always Gil Penalosa was very inspiring. He broadened cycling out into the realm of urban planning and making liveable cities. I loved his concept of 8-80 cities; if you would not allow an 8 or an 80 year old onto the piece of infrastructure then it should not be built. That's what road safety is all about. Making sure kids get from A to B without parents worrying. 


 Live Coverage from Velo-city

ECF is reporting this story live from the world’s largest cycling policy in Vancouver, Canada where nearly 1,000 of the cycling world’s best and brightest have gathered for four days to talk cycling. You can read more stories from our Velo-city live page and tweet #velocity2012 to join in the conversation.

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