Cycling in MOVE Week: Estonian/ Latvian cross-border event

03 Nov, 2014
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Estonia 1Cycling promotion played a big part in this year’s MOVE Week. In Estonia and Latvia, two border towns came together to organise the cross-border Livonia Sports Fair & Bike Parade and to launch an ‘every man’s bicycle garage’.

In Estonia, where the modal share of cycling is only 5%, they see being part of MOVE Week as a great opportunity to try and boost this percentage. Besides wanting to increase the modal share of cycling, they also see cycling as a great opportunity for building cross-border tourism between Estonia and Latvia.

Every man’s bicycle garage
Also launched during MOVE Week, the inspiring project ‘Bike Garage Valga’ is about people rediscovering the joys of cycling while meeting their community. It will develop a space for everyone to expand their know-how on cycling and for knowledge sharing between different generations. The Bike Garage Valga will also give technology enthusiasts the opportunity to construct bikes themselves and to do up old bikes as well as going on to provide services such as a bike rental scheme.

Cross-sectoral cycling promotion
The key coordinator with the European MOVE Week was the Sport Year Foundation. Organising MOVE Week for the second year running, they explained what it means to them: “This campaign builds synergies between different sports organizations and helps to highlight the importance of movement in society”.

Cross-border knowledge sharing
They hope that the Bike Garage in Valga will serve an example for others across Estonia, and Europe, who want to develop something similar. In another demonstration of cross-border knowledge sharing, the Danish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce was eager to lend their support for the MOVE Week cycling event.

This was a unique MOVE Week event, in two towns, in two countries, coming together to promote cycling.

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