Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) founded out of ECF’s Cycling Industry Club.

23 Oct, 2018
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Leading cycling industry companies founded the new association ‘Cycling Industries Europe’ (CIE) out of ECF’s Cycling Industry Club. This new association will bring together companies, cycle and accessory suppliers with bike share operators, cycle delivery companies, consultancies and digital service providers. The launch of the CIE took place at the “Future Cycling” Conference in Brussels, on the 11th October, organized by ECF and the CIE.

Tony Grimaldi, CEO of multinational bicycle company Cycleurope was elected as founding President of CIE. He thanked ECF for their leadership of cycling advocacy in Brussels and said “I am very proud of what we have achieved with the development of e-bikes and bike sharing, which are contributing to new mobility in Europe. Now it is time for the cycling industries to step up, we will take our share of advocacy in Brussels and bring our company voices alongside ECF”.

CIE’s founding aims include the support of the EU Cycling Strategy (EUCS) with industrial innovation and the added weight of the companies in cycling advocacy. The EUCS development was led by ECF, working with a stakeholder group, involving over 1000 contributors.

ECF welcomes the founding of the CIE. Christophe Najdovski, ECF President and Deputy Mayor of Paris for Transportation, Mobility, Roadway and Public Space, stated in his speech at the conference: “It was a great thing when leaders from the cycling industry created with us in 2011, the ECF Cycling Industry Club. We are grateful to these leaders and all the current members of the club for the successful collaboration and we are looking forward to continue this collaboration. We fully support the step taken by leading cycling industry companies to create their own association, the CIE, out of ECF’s Cycling Industry Club. European cycling advocacy needs strong voices from the civil society sector and the private sector.”

Christophe Najdovski confirmed that ECF is looking forward to the continuation of good collaboration with the cycling industry and stated “Let’s co-create for our future collaboration as two independent associations, and also for a permanent structure. In our ECF Vision 2030 we call that structure the ‘European Cycling Sector Organization’. European cycling needs strong voices and investments from public bodies, civil society and the private sector.”

On the occasion of the “Future Cycling” Conference in Brussels a declaration of the founding of Cycling Industries Europe was signed by representatives from ECF, the new CIE and other stakeholders from the public, civil and industry sector.  

The full text of the declaration:

Declaration on the occasion of the founding of Cycling Industries Europe, October 11th 2018

Organizations and institutions from civil society, business and public sector have committed to collaborate to use the potential of cycling for sustainable mobility for all, to achieve these stated goals 
of the EU Cycling Strategy and to extend them to the whole of Europe:

•             Cycling should be an equal partner in the mobility system. Users pay for the full external costs of motorised transport while the societal benefits of active mobility are fully taken into account
               in transport planning and investment decisions. In addition, it will show the path towards prioritising cycling over individual motorised transport.

•             Cycle use in the EU will increase by 50% in the decade from 2019/2020–2030. Its share in the transport modal split will be at least 12%, which means 0.48 cycle trips per person per day on 

•             The rates of fatalites and seriously injured among cyclists (per kilometer cycled) will be halved in the decade 2019/2020–2030.

•             The EU should double its investments in cycle projects to EUR 3 billion during the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021–2027 (from EUR 1.5 billion in 2014–2020) and aim for another
              doubling to EUR 6 billion during the 2028–2034 period.

We the undersigned representatives of companies and business associations welcome:

•             The creation of Cycling Industries Europe as a new commitment from the industry, business and commercial sectors of cycling

•             For a dynamic, competitive and sustainable business environment

•             For an effective lobby for incentives and investments to grow cycling

•             For growth in cycling related employment and investment in Europe

•             And as effective collaboration with our partners that supports and provides resources for their advocacy


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